

I am an Self taught hobbyist artist. My favorite subjects to draw involve horror, the confrontation of the darker self or shadow self, and the affects of trauma on a person's psyche. My current interests revolve around the blending of horror and romance. Specifically romantically obsessive characters which blur the lines between love and toxicity (the Japanese trope "yandere").I often draw animals or anthropomorphic animals. I am a furry.

name Sheeppronouns they/them or it/itsbirth year 1996

likes horror, slashers, yanderes, liminal spaces, sheep, furry, goth subculture, SCPs, visual novelsdislikes proshippers, pedophiles, racists, other degenerates


A small selection of my most current art pieces.To see my full catalog of work please visit my tumblr art blog.

Current Projects

Happy Birthday Judas

An 18+ yandere horror-romance visual novel/dating sim. You take on the role of a social worker who has just been assigned a new client, Judas García. He proves to be difficult to work with & as you find ways to get him to open up to you he becomes unhealthily attached.


Main Character

You are a new social worker, just having transferred from family counseling. Being new in this field you're anxious to make a difference in your clients' lives. Maybe you get too involved, but you just want to help! You love a good sweater vest.

Main Character

Judas García
Jude one of your new clients. He is cold and sardonic, but it's clear that that is a defense mechanism. Maybe you can get Jude to show you his true self?

Main Character

Kurtis Takahashi
Kurt is Jude's best friend. He is always wearing a cheerful smile, usually a result from teasing Jude. He is well put together and has a rather relaxed outlook on life. Though do not underestimate him, looks are deceiving.

Main Character

Rose Johnson
Rose is your work wife. They are very friendly and warm, and when you first started working at the office she decided to lead the welcome wagon. But that friendly nature betrays their discerning eye. She is always looking out for you.

Main Character

Meredith Byrn
Meredith is Jude's parole officer. She is rather old school, having grown up around many men in the police force. She is rather severe in her convictions which are black and white. She believes that her methods are what will protect her community.

Main Character

Lillian García
Jude's mother who he currently lives with. She cares deeply for her son, but she often infantilizes him to make up for lost time. Jude thinks that she can be overbearing sometimes, though that does not stop him from loving her deeply.

Fuck Marry Kill

A chance meeting at the local mall’s Cold Subject - an alternative fashion store - between Willow McQuin and Erik Alvarez causes Willow to be come the target of Erik’s obsessive affections.~FckMrryKll is a collaborative comic project between 13lambs and sweetestalyssum. ~